Stop motion shots, rather than shooting continuously as you would when creating a traditional video, capture a single still image, then move the scene or the objects forward while the camera stops filming.

It can take numerous shots to create a single smooth stretch of footage using the stop motion style. In general, you should expect to use an average of 12 frames per second to create a comprehensive stop motion video.

Do I Need a Video Camera for Stop Motion Animation?

In order to create highly effective, professional-quality stop-motion videos, you need a camera that can capture high definition photos. You do not need a video camera to capture the stop motion video. Today, most professionals who shoot stop motion videos use DSLR cameras to shoot their videos.

If you're on a tight budget or just getting started, there are several options you can consider. You may want to use some of these tools for some of your early stop motion videos.

  • A smartphone
  • A webcam
  • An old analog camera
  • An old-style video camera
  • A Go-Pro

As your skills improve and you want to create more professional, high-quality work, however, it may change the quality of the camera you need to accomplish your goals. Choosing a high-quality camera can make a big difference in your stop motion videos--and could be the difference between professional-quality content and content that few if any, people ever see.

The Best Camera for Stop Motion Videos

In order to create a high-quality stop motion video, you need a camera that is up to the job. There is not necessarily a "best" stop motion camera on the market. Instead, you want to look for a camera that fits your budget and has these key attributes.

1. Your camera can shoot in high definition.

If you want a great stop motion video, you want a high-definition camera that will capture the small movements you create in the objects you're using for your video. Without that high quality, many of those shots will not offer the definition you need to show off what you have accomplished with your images.

2. Your camera offers the ISO range you need for your videos.

The ISO, or overall sensitivity of the camera, is one factor that determines the exposure of each shot. It can impact the ultimate brightness of your shots, which can have significant impact on your finished project. Make sure your camera has an ISO range that reflects your usual shooting habits, including indoor vs. outdoor or the type of lighting you plan to use.

3. Your camera has a good autofocus setting.

When shooting stop motion, you cannot afford for your images to be grainy or out of focus. Make sure you choose a camera with a great autofocus setting.

4. Your camera has a quick shutter time.

You may need to shoot quickly and capture your images in a fraction of a second, while the lighting is right and everything is ideal for your image.

5. You can set your camera up on a tripod or sturdy surface.

For video, including stop motion video, keeping the camera steady is critical. You won't get the high-quality video progression you want if your camera is constantly shaking and moving, which means that your tripod and overall camera stability are just as important as the camera itself.


Choosing the right camera and equipment for stop motion video can help take your videos to the next level. Take a look at Pinnacle Studio today to Learn more about the tools we can provide to help you create professional-quality videos.

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