We're at an interesting time for video production. Effects that Hollywood considered cutting edge just a few decades ago are now accessible to anyone with a computer and smartphone to film with. On the other hand, the power at Hollywood's disposal has grown as well. This has led to three general classes of video editing software: tools that haven't grown with the times and are too simplistic even for hobbyists, easy-to-use tools that provide the power to do anything hobbyists will need, and expensive professional tools that handle everything Hollywood needs. In this post, we'll be talking about the middle one, the Goldilocks of video editors for most people.

Why to choose an easy video editor

It's rather obvious why you wouldn't want the underpowered software mentioned above, but why not go for the full on Hollywood experience? While it's good to have software you can grow into, you also need to consider learning curves and a cost-benefit analysis. The more expensive and feature filled software gets, the more difficult it becomes to use. Software that's powerful and easy to use will allow you to learn how video editing works and the techniques involved much quicker. This Goldilocks software tier is also affordably priced, so moving up to the bigger tools when they are needed, and you're ready won't feel like wasted money. 

What to look for in a simple video editing software

There are a lot of pieced of software in all the categories mentioned, but the Goldilocks tier we talked about is perhaps the most crowded, because that's the tier that provides the perfect fit for the largest audience. So how do you determine what the right tool to begin your video editing journey with is? We've assembled some criteria for you to consider.

  • Price — The advantage of the entry-level, but powerful enough for a hobbyist, tier of video editors is that they are all affordably priced. However, like with any product, you should compare the list of features with the amount of money you are paying. Balance the criteria below with the price to find the best value.
  • Intuitive Interface — When using professional-grade software, you'll often find that you need a tutorial just to find your way around the interface. The great number of features make the interface necessarily cluttered. The Goldilocks tier of video editors are able to cut the features down to only what you need and simplify the interface greatly. Still, some do a better job than others. Look for the tools that you can pick up right away and start using.
  • Templates — Templates provide you with graphics, fonts, titles, and transitions predefined so you can plug in the footage that you've shot and get professional results almost automatically. These are great for quick results, but they're even better for learning. By using templates, you'll get an inside look at how professionals assemble videos. Over time, you'll be able to mimic those techniques in your own unique products. The more templates a simple video editor offers, the better.
  • Presets — Video editing means eventually exporting to a video format. There are a lot of video formats, and each one has an endless variety of confusing settings that can be tweaked. Presets will allow you to choose a goal for your video and have the software automatically create the best settings for that goal. Be sure that, at the very least, your chosen video editor has a preset for the types of video you'll want to make.


In this post, we've outlined the key features that people who are looking to get into video editing should look for in a video editor. When making your comparisons, we invite you to check out Pinnacle Studio. We think it'll provide you with the best bang for your buck. If you have any questions about the software, feel free to contact us.

Use Pinnacle Studio